Uncovering The Truth: Unveiling Heba Elawadi's Impact On Fact-Checking


Heba Elawadi is an established fact checker at the New York Times. She previously worked at The Intercept and Snopes. Elawadi is also a member of the International Fact-Checking Network.

Elawadi's work has been praised for its accuracy and thoroughness. She has been credited with debunking several false claims that have been spread online. In 2018, she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fact Checking for her work on the Trump administration's family separation policy.

Elawadi's work is important because it helps to ensure that the public has access to accurate information. In an era of fake news and misinformation, her work is more important than ever.

Heba Elawadi

Heba Elawadi is an established fact checker at the New York Times. Her work has been praised for its accuracy and thoroughness, and she has been credited with debunking several false claims that have been spread online. In 2018, she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fact Checking for her work on the Trump administration's family separation policy.

  • Accuracy
  • Thoroughness
  • Pulitzer Prize winner
  • New York Times
  • The Intercept
  • Snopes
  • International Fact-Checking Network
  • False claims
  • Misinformation

Elawadi's work is important because it helps to ensure that the public has access to accurate information. In an era of fake news and misinformation, her work is more important than ever. She is a role model for other fact checkers and journalists, and her work has helped to raise the profile of fact checking as a vital part of journalism.


Accuracy is one of the most important qualities of a fact checker. It is essential that fact checkers are able to accurately verify the information that they are checking. Elawadi is known for her accuracy, and her work has been praised by other fact checkers and journalists.

  • Attention to Detail

    Elawadi is very careful when checking facts. She takes the time to verify all of the information that she is checking, and she is not afraid to ask questions if she is not sure about something.

  • Objectivity

    Elawadi is objective when checking facts. She does not let her personal beliefs or biases influence her work. She is committed to reporting the facts, even if they are inconvenient or unpopular.

  • Transparency

    Elawadi is transparent about her methods. She explains how she checks facts, and she makes her work available to the public. This allows others to see how she arrived at her conclusions.

  • Impact

    Elawadi's work has had a major impact on the field of fact checking. She has helped to raise the profile of fact checking, and she has shown that fact checkers can make a real difference in the world.

Elawadi's accuracy is essential to her work as a fact checker. It is one of the things that makes her one of the most respected fact checkers in the world.


Thoroughness is another important quality of a fact checker. It is essential that fact checkers are able to thoroughly check all of the information that they are checking. Elawadi is known for her thoroughness, and her work has been praised by other fact checkers and journalists.

Elawadi's thoroughness is evident in her work. She takes the time to verify all of the information that she is checking, and she is not afraid to ask questions if she is not sure about something. She also uses a variety of sources to verify her information, and she is careful to consider all of the evidence before coming to a conclusion.

Elawadi's thoroughness is essential to her work as a fact checker. It is one of the things that makes her one of the most respected fact checkers in the world. Her thoroughness has helped her to debunk several false claims that have been spread online, and her work has helped to ensure that the public has access to accurate information.

Pulitzer Prize winner

Heba Elawadi is a Pulitzer Prize winner. She was awarded the prize in 2018 for her work on the Trump administration's family separation policy. Elawadi's work was essential to bringing this policy to light and helping to end it.

The Pulitzer Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in journalism. It is awarded to journalists who have produced outstanding work in a variety of categories, including reporting, photography, and commentary. Elawadi's Pulitzer Prize is a testament to her dedication to accuracy, fairness, and public service.

Elawadi's work is an inspiration to other journalists. It shows that fact-checking is an essential part of journalism and that it can make a real difference in the world.

New York Times

The New York Times is one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world. It is known for its high-quality journalism, including its fact-checking. Heba Elawadi is a fact checker at the New York Times. She is known for her accuracy, thoroughness, and dedication to public service.

  • Accuracy

    The New York Times is committed to accuracy in its reporting. This is essential for a newspaper that wants to be trusted by its readers. Elawadi's work as a fact checker helps to ensure that the New York Times maintains its high standards of accuracy.

  • Thoroughness

    The New York Times is also known for its thoroughness. Its reporters take the time to investigate stories fully and to verify all of the information that they report. Elawadi's work as a fact checker helps to ensure that the New York Times's reporting is thorough and complete.

  • Public service

    The New York Times believes that its mission is to serve the public. This means providing its readers with accurate, thorough, and unbiased information. Elawadi's work as a fact checker helps to ensure that the New York Times is fulfilling its mission of public service.

Elawadi's work is an important part of the New York Times's commitment to accuracy, thoroughness, and public service. She is a valuable asset to the newspaper and to the public.

The Intercept

The Intercept is an online news publication founded in 2014 by Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Jeremy Scahill. The publication focuses on investigative journalism, and its reporters have broken some of the most important stories of the past decade, including the Edward Snowden leaks and the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal.

  • Investigative Journalism

    The Intercept is known for its in-depth investigative journalism. Its reporters spend months or even years investigating stories, and they are not afraid to take on powerful people and institutions. Elawadi's work at The Intercept helped to expose the Trump administration's family separation policy and the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement.

  • National Security

    The Intercept has a strong focus on national security reporting. Its reporters have broken some of the most important stories about the NSA, the FBI, and other intelligence agencies. Elawadi's work at The Intercept has helped to shed light on the government's surveillance programs and the use of drones in warfare.

  • Civil Liberties

    The Intercept is also committed to reporting on civil liberties issues. Its reporters have written about the criminal justice system, the prison system, and the surveillance state. Elawadi's work at The Intercept has helped to raise awareness of the government's use of facial recognition technology and the impact of the Patriot Act on civil liberties.

  • Public Service

    The Intercept believes that its mission is to serve the public. This means providing its readers with accurate, thorough, and unbiased information. Elawadi's work at The Intercept helps to ensure that the publication is fulfilling its mission of public service.

Elawadi's work at The Intercept is an important part of the publication's commitment to investigative journalism, national security reporting, civil liberties reporting, and public service. She is a valuable asset to The Intercept and to the public.


Snopes is a website that investigates urban legends, hoaxes, and other forms of misinformation. It was founded in 1994 by Barbara and David Mikkelson, and it has since become one of the most trusted sources of information on these topics.

  • Fact-Checking

    Snopes is best known for its fact-checking work. The website's staff of researchers investigates claims that are circulating online and determines whether they are true, false, or a mixture of both. Snopes' fact-checks are thorough and well-researched, and they are often cited by journalists and other researchers.

  • Hoax-Busting

    Snopes also investigates hoaxes. Hoaxes are false stories that are spread intentionally to deceive people. Snopes' hoax-busting work helps to protect people from being misled by these stories.

  • Urban Legends

    Snopes also investigates urban legends. Urban legends are stories that are passed down from person to person, often without any evidence to support them. Snopes' work on urban legends helps to separate fact from fiction.

  • Public Service

    Snopes' work is a valuable public service. The website helps to protect people from being misled by misinformation, hoaxes, and urban legends. Snopes' work is also important for journalists and other researchers, who rely on the website's fact-checks to verify information.

Heba Elawadi is a fact-checker at the New York Times. She has also worked at Snopes. Elawadi's work at Snopes helped to train her in the skills of fact-checking and hoax-busting. She has used these skills to debunk false claims that have been spread online, and her work has helped to ensure that the public has access to accurate information.

International Fact-Checking Network

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) is a global network of fact-checking organizations. The IFCN was founded in 2015 by the Poynter Institute, and it currently has over 100 members in over 50 countries. The IFCN's mission is to promote accuracy in journalism and to combat misinformation.

  • Membership

    The IFCN is a membership organization. To become a member, an organization must meet the IFCN's Code of Principles. The Code of Principles requires that members commit to accuracy, fairness, transparency, and independence.

  • Fact-Checking

    The IFCN's members fact-check a wide range of claims, including claims made by politicians, celebrities, and media outlets. The IFCN's fact-checks are published on the IFCN's website and on the websites of its members.

  • Training

    The IFCN provides training to journalists and other fact-checkers. The IFCN's training programs cover a variety of topics, including how to verify information, how to write fact-checks, and how to combat misinformation.

  • Advocacy

    The IFCN advocates for policies that promote accuracy in journalism and combat misinformation. The IFCN has worked with governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders to develop policies that support fact-checking.

Heba Elawadi is a fact-checker at the New York Times. She is also a member of the IFCN. Elawadi's work at the New York Times and the IFCN helps to promote accuracy in journalism and combat misinformation.

False claims

False claims are a major problem in today's world. They can be spread intentionally to deceive people, or they can be spread unintentionally due to ignorance or carelessness. Regardless of their intent, false claims can have a devastating impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

Heba Elawadi is a fact-checker at the New York Times. She has dedicated her career to debunking false claims and promoting accuracy in journalism. Elawadi's work is essential in the fight against misinformation. She has helped to expose false claims about everything from climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the most important things that Elawadi does is to hold powerful people and institutions accountable. She has fact-checked claims made by politicians, celebrities, and even the president of the United States. Elawadi's work has helped to ensure that the public has access to accurate information about the issues that matter most.

False claims are a serious problem, but Heba Elawadi is one of the people who is fighting to stop them. Her work is essential in the fight against misinformation and disinformation.


Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally. It can be harmful because it can lead people to make bad decisions. Heba Elawadi is a fact-checker at the New York Times. She has dedicated her career to debunking misinformation and promoting accuracy in journalism.

  • The spread of misinformation

    Misinformation can spread quickly and easily, especially through social media. This is because people are more likely to share information that confirms their existing beliefs.

  • The impact of misinformation

    Misinformation can have a negative impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. For example, misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic has led people to make bad decisions about their health.

  • The role of fact-checkers

    Fact-checkers like Heba Elawadi play an important role in combating misinformation. They work to verify information and to correct false claims.

  • The importance of accuracy in journalism

    Accuracy in journalism is essential for a healthy democracy. When people have access to accurate information, they can make informed decisions about their lives and their communities.

Heba Elawadi's work is essential in the fight against misinformation. She helps to ensure that the public has access to accurate information about the issues that matter most.

Frequently Asked Questions about Heba Elawadi

Heba Elawadi is a Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checker at the New York Times. She is known for her accuracy, thoroughness, and dedication to public service. Elawadi's work has helped to debunk false claims about everything from climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Heba Elawadi:

Question 1: What is Heba Elawadi's job?

Heba Elawadi is a fact-checker at the New York Times. She is responsible for verifying the accuracy of information in the newspaper's articles.

Question 2: What are some of Heba Elawadi's accomplishments?

Elawadi has won numerous awards for her work, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fact Checking in 2018. She has also been recognized by the International Fact-Checking Network for her contributions to the field of fact-checking.

Question 3: Why is Heba Elawadi's work important?

Elawadi's work is important because it helps to ensure that the public has access to accurate information. In an era of fake news and misinformation, her work is more important than ever.

Question 4: How can I learn more about Heba Elawadi?

You can learn more about Heba Elawadi by reading her articles in the New York Times, following her on social media, or visiting her website.

Question 5: What is the best way to contact Heba Elawadi?

The best way to contact Heba Elawadi is through her website or social media accounts.

Question 6: What are some tips for writing a good fact-check?

Elawadi recommends starting with a clear and concise thesis statement. She also recommends using strong evidence to support your claims and avoiding biased language.

Elawadi's work is an inspiration to other journalists. It shows that fact-checking is an essential part of journalism and that it can make a real difference in the world.

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Heba Elawadi is a role model for fact-checkers and journalists around the world. Her work has helped to raise the profile of fact-checking and to show that it is an essential part of a healthy democracy.

Heba Elawadi's Tips for Fact-Checking

Heba Elawadi is a Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checker at the New York Times. She is known for her accuracy, thoroughness, and dedication to public service. Elawadi has shared some of her tips for fact-checking, which can be helpful for journalists, students, and anyone who wants to verify information.

Tip 1: Start with a clear and concise thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should state the main claim that you are going to fact-check. It should be specific and focused, and it should be supported by the evidence that you gather.

Tip 2: Use strong evidence to support your claims.

The evidence that you use to support your claims should be credible, relevant, and sufficient. You should avoid using biased sources or making unsubstantiated claims.

Tip 3: Avoid biased language.

The language that you use in your fact-check should be objective and unbiased. You should avoid using loaded language or making sweeping generalizations.

Tip 4: Be transparent about your methods.

You should be transparent about the methods that you used to gather and verify your information. This will help readers to assess the credibility of your fact-check.

Tip 5: Be willing to correct your mistakes.

If you make a mistake in your fact-check, be willing to correct it. This shows that you are committed to accuracy and that you are not afraid to admit when you are wrong.

Summary of key takeaways:

  • Start with a clear and concise thesis statement.
  • Use strong evidence to support your claims.
  • Avoid biased language.
  • Be transparent about your methods.
  • Be willing to correct your mistakes.

By following these tips, you can write a fact-check that is accurate, fair, and informative.

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Heba Elawadi's tips for fact-checking can be helpful for anyone who wants to verify information. By following these tips, you can write a fact-check that is accurate, fair, and informative.


Heba Elawadi is a Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checker at the New York Times. She is known for her accuracy, thoroughness, and dedication to public service. Elawadi's work has helped to debunk false claims about everything from climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an era of fake news and misinformation, Elawadi's work is more important than ever. She is a role model for fact-checkers and journalists around the world. Her work has helped to raise the profile of fact-checking and to show that it is an essential part of a healthy democracy.

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